Event / Activity


Besides Study/ Beyond academics
To enhance the personality of our students we also organize various extracurricular and co-curricular activities from time to time for their physical.
Sports: - Sports and physical education play an important role in the development of the students.
Now physical education is a compulsory paper at graduate level in C.C.S.
Keeping in mind the objective of all round development of the students, various physical activities and sporting are promoted amongst students. Students are encouraged to avail facilities like Badminton, Kho-Kho, Race, Football etc.
Yoga classes are conducted to keep the students physically and mentally fit towards off stress and figure.
Seminars: - Seminars gives a practical outlook to the students and sharpens their mental abilities and skills by creating awareness on various topics.
Cultural Events: - The cultural committee seeks to expose students to a variety of activities which provide a platform for all the overall development. These activities enhance their skills such as Quiz Competitions, Debates, Rangoli Competitions, Mehandi Dress Designing, Cooking, Welcome & farewell Parties, Dance and singing competition. Through this we try to search the hidden talents in our students, we do not want our students only to be look worm but all-rounder in every field.
Social Work: - The college has a committee that has conducted various activities for the benefits of public-Blood donation Camp, Polio camp, eye donating camp. etc.